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September 16, 2024

The Wi-Fi Sharing Dilemma

The Wi-Fi Sharing Dilemma

First things first: why is this such a big deal? Well, for starters, broadband providers are losing some serious cash when subscribers share their Wi-Fi passwords. It's like throwing a party where everyone's invited, but you're the one footing the bill. Not cool, right?

But it's not just about the money. There are some real cybersecurity concerns at play here too. When you share your Wi-Fi, you're potentially opening up your network to all sorts of digital nasties. Yikes!

Adeia's Tech Toolkit

So, what's Adeia bringing to the table? We've developed a whole suite of cutting-edge solutions that leverage AI, machine learning, and some pretty nifty RF techniques. Here's a quick rundown:

  1. Smart Clustering: We're using machine learning algorithms to spot suspicious accounts. It's like teaching a computer to play "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others" with network usage data.
  2. Wi-Fi Sensing: This tech creates a dynamic map of your household. It's like giving your router X-ray vision to see where devices are located.
  3. Device Ranging: This method helps identify connections that are suspiciously far from home. It's basically a high-tech game of "Hot and Cold" for your Wi-Fi signals.
  4. Continuous Authentication: Think of this as a never-ending pop quiz for devices on your network. Only the "students" who belong there will pass!
  5. Precision Coverage: This technique allows for super precise control over your Wi-Fi coverage area. It's like giving your router a sniper rifle instead of a shotgun.

What This Means for You

If you're a broadband provider, these tools could help you plug that revenue leak and offer better security to your customers. And if you're a consumer, this tech could mean better protection for your home network and potentially even some new service offerings from your ISP.

Looking Ahead

We're really excited about the potential of these technologies, and we can't wait to share more details at SCTE TechExpo24. Our chief technology officer, Serhad Doken, puts it best:

"Our research presents a comprehensive toolkit of advanced technologies that can help providers address these issues effectively while maintaining a positive customer experience."

Stay tuned for more updates, and don't forget to check out our full presentation at the expo. We'll be the ones geeking out about RF signals and machine learning algorithms – come say hi!

Got thoughts on Wi-Fi sharing or questions about our research? Drop them in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you!

Until next time, keep your Wi-Fi secure and your neighbors honest!

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JoAnn Yamani

Vice President, Communications & Marketing

JoAnn is Vice President of Communications & Marketing at Adeia, where she drives our brand and marketing goals forward while staying aligned with key business objectives. As an expert communicator and strategist, she oversees the design and execution of all campaigns and cultivates strong relationships with stakeholders. Prior to joining Adeia, JoAnn was the Head of Communications at NIO, where she developed strategic initiatives and brand-building opportunities and cultivated top-tier media coverage for the company. She also served as the Director of Corporate Communications at Western Digital, and communicated the crossover between semiconductors, AI, precision medicine and autonomous driving with key audiences. JoAnn received her B.A. in Government & Economics from Mills College and earned her J.D. from Santa Clara University.